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Alarm Maintenance
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Pulse2000 alarms at play
I am extremely proud of the fact that most of my business is obtained through recommendations. Not only do we to work to the European standards EN50131 PD6662:2004. I exceed these providing, excellent customer service to maintain my business.
Below you will see examples of installation tasks in progress. Each installation will take between one and a half days and two days on average. This is because of the high standard of workmanship, and my every effort to hide all wiring as much as is reasonably possible.
The big named, big overhead, sales driven companies can never offer you the same quality of workmanship at installation. When you shop around (as you should) just ask them how long it will take, then make up your mind whether they are going to be focusing on quality workmanship or just getting you installed and out of the way..
First tasks will be to move furniture and carpeting to access floor boarding where cables can be hidden
You can help by having as much of your furnishing moved away from where we need to work